my art (and by association, music and games) havent been posted on here in a while. usually because it takes a month or two for me to even get off my ass. its not even like the art pieces/music actually take months, more like 5 hours TOPS. ive just been a lazy sack of shit. that along with school work does NOT make my newgrounds repertoire look very good. also, ive still been practicing drawing over the time that i havent been posting here, so its not like its gonna be EXACTLY the same quality. if my quality was a on a scale, my last post quality would be a 4 and my current post quality would be a 4.0000001. of course im probably undermining myself but you get the point.
if i ever get a chance i might be able to get a good enough workflow to actually start drawing and composing again. but dont expect anything in bulk for a while.
also if you care about anything going on with me you can use any of the links on the left (or whereever the fuck it is for you) to keep up with me #shameless plug